The Shocking Truth Behind Tesla's Hidden Creation
This blog explores the life and inventions of Nikola Tesla, focusing on his more controversial and potentially dangerous ideas. It delves into his research on wireless energy transmission, the "death ray" concept, and the possibility that his work was suppressed due to its revolutionary nature.
1/24/20256 min read

Tesla's Terrifying Invention
Tesla's Pocket Earthquake Machine
Tesla is known today for his contributions to electricity generation, but he also came up with some pretty scary inventions that are hard to believe. In 1896, he accidentally turned a coil into a generator that was small enough to fit in your pocket, but powerful enough to shake even the biggest buildings. When he tested this device in his lab, the neighbors thought an earthquake had hit and rushed outside in a panic. Then Tesla took that device into a construction site.
While searching, they came across a 10-story building where workers were busy. They installed this device on the steel frame of the building. Shortly after, the workers panicked and ran downstairs as if an earthquake was happening. The police were called, but Tesla removed the device and left without informing anyone. They claimed that if the device had stayed there a bit longer, the entire building could have collapsed. They admitted this in an interview, but the question remains: what’s in their pocket?
The Vision of Wireless Energy Transmission
The size of the device doesn't really matter; what matters is how you can bring energy from one place to another. Tesla wasn’t just trying to build any device; he was working on a project that could transfer energy wirelessly and without any cost. Most of his life was spent studying frequencies and vibrations. He could see and understand things in this field that no one else could grasp after him. His idea was to create a device that would generate specific vibrations at a certain frequency and send them into the ground.
We're going to send these vibrations through the ground, and they'll be picked up by a device sitting somewhere else. That device will decode the frequency and convert the energy into electrical current, kind of like how sound waves travel. Our world is constantly vibrating at a specific frequency, which varies between 7.83 Hz and 33.8 Hz. Tesla believed that if he set this little device to the Earth's vibrations, it could trigger massive earthquakes all around the world.
People used to joke about what he said, but then the day finally came when the world started taking Tesla seriously. In a blog, Khushambi Nasreen pointed out that there’s probably nothing in our daily lives that doesn’t have Tesla’s influence behind it. From electricity to being able to chat on the phone no matter where you are in the world, Tesla played a huge role in all of this. Before, it was really tough to transmit electricity from one place to another, and it was only possible over just a few meters.
The Genius of Alternating Current
Electricity could only reach a short distance, and it was mostly just enough to power a small bulb. But Tesla changed the game by inventing alternating current, proving his genius to the world. This was the turning point in his life when people started taking him seriously because now, the same electricity that could barely travel a few meters in direct current form could be transformed to power factories and industries thousands of miles away. Plus, Tesla was also the inventor of the hydroelectric power system, which we still rely on today.
"31% of electricity in America and 95% in China is produced using Tesla's inventions. He was the one who introduced the world to wireless communication. Those were just a few of his inventions that the world uses today. But did you know that Tesla created over 300 things in his lifetime? The problem was getting them out to the world. For example, he developed alternating current, but he also wanted to transport electricity wirelessly across the globe, just like wireless communication."
They had a lot of knowledge, but there was one thing they seriously lacked, and that was money. So, they took their idea to J.P. Morgan, who liked it and decided to fund Tesla with $100,000. To transmit electricity wirelessly, Tesla started several experiments in New York, one of which involved a tower that scared a lot of people, leading to frequent complaints. Because of this, Tesla moved his experiments to Colorado and built a new tower there that was 180 feet tall.
The Conspiracy of Suppression
Tesla built a tower that ended up costing way more than he expected. He believed that with this tower, he could send wireless electricity all over the world using the Earth's natural vibrations. J.P. Morgan, who funded Tesla's project, was also a major investor in electric wire and insulation factories during this time. On top of that, he had a hand in several copper mines in the U.S. He probably had an inkling that Tesla was succeeding in his experiments, and if that was the case...
If that happened, it could seriously hurt their electric virus business. That's why they not only refused to pay Tesla but also warned other investors not to invest in Tesla's project. They went on dreaming about wireless electricity for many years, and when they passed away, the government held onto their property for the next ten years. All of their research stayed locked up in secret files for many years, and even after that, many people...
They believe that the formula for wireless electricity has never been made public. Now the question arises: did Tesla actually discover a secret formula? Was he really working on free electricity? Many experts think that Tesla had a deep understanding of the Earth's vibrations and was possibly planning to introduce a new kind of electricity to the world using those vibrations. He often said in his life that if you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, you need to focus on energy frequency.
The Power of Frequency
Start paying attention to vibrations; maybe they were onto something. After their death, institutions began researching frequency and vibrations, and they were shocked to discover that everything in the world vibrates at its own unique frequency. By understanding the frequency of one thing, you can actually transfer energy to another thing that’s far away, and even control it. For example, take these two foxes that have no physical connection, but their frequencies are linked. Just by tuning into them, you can...
In a second, it vibrates 440 times, but what's surprising is that when one note is played, another starts vibrating on its own. This is what Nikola Tesla was talking about with wireless energy transfer; he probably knew some secret frequency. But those documents have never been revealed. History shows that in the last 150 years, most conflicts have been based on oil—like the Gulf War, the Iraq War, and even World War I and II had a lot of operations tied to it.
The text is mainly about how oil reserves were targeted due to fossil energy issues, and it discusses the potential for free electricity or energy if everyone used the Earth's frequency. It also mentions Tesla's inventions that were largely ignored or suppressed after his death, comparing the situation to a massive destructive weapon like a nuclear bomb. In an interview from 1934, Tesla touched on these topics.
Tesla's Otherworldly Inventions
Tesla mentioned that this weapon could take the lives of millions of people from thousands of miles away, or as far as the earth's curvature would allow. It was a new electric weapon that could generate 50 million volts. To give you an idea, it could produce 166 times more volts than a lightning strike. Additionally, Tesla also proposed the idea of a thought camera, which would be able to capture everything our eyes can see, suggesting that our thoughts could be photographed as well.
The thought camera would snap a picture of whatever a person was thinking. It never really became a reality, but this idea inspired the invention of the X-ray in 1895. Tesla was a scientist and engineer who never worked for money; he could have made a lot from his inventions like others did by cashing in on their patents, but when he died, he didn’t even have enough money to pay his hotel bill. To this day, his death remains a mystery.
The Mysterious Death of a Genius
Mistry passed away on January 7, 1943, and her body was found in her hotel room. Officials say it was a natural death, but a lot of people believe Nikola Tesla was murdered. The truth is still up in the air, especially since they held onto his documents for 10 years before releasing everything to the public. There are still a few secret files about Tesla hidden away somewhere. Only time will tell what’s really going on. and I really appreciate your loving comments!